Saturday, April 7, 2007

Party time!

Thursday was party day!

It was a female staff party at the principal’s house. It was a pleasant evening, it was occasionally drizzling very slightly, and so eating out in the garden was mostly a nice experience. The menu was great and cooked and served well. Now that’s all for the goody goody part.

The party was shocking after every few minutes. Our school staff consists of all nationalities but all are definitely Muslims. As the abayas and face coverings kept getting removed, what unfolded between the layers of black sober materials, was outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!
So many times our response would be, Who is this? Is this ………. No, no way!

So what if it was a ladies party, you must still not be indecent! Why are we so predominantly influenced by the western society, why do we want to take up their dress codes? And if west is so good then why don’t we adopt their good points, why can’t we become punctual like them, why can’t we be as hard working as many of them are?

I was mostly shocked to see some of the Pakistani young staff members dressed in off shoulder and off much else too robes!

A night to remember!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

so back to the pavilion

I am back to the time of my life which I completely and absolutely hate! I am on a diet again!

Once again I will cook tempting food ( it seems even more tempting now) and serve to the family and eat a plate of salad which although is definately tasty but how can it match a piece of fried chicken or even "Aaloo gosht" (meat and potato curry) for that matter!

There are things that I cherish (except food) and these are mostly the memoies I share with my family! Such a recent memory can be the Mother's Day I received from my youngest one!

Thanks darling! I love you!