Sunday, April 1, 2007

so back to the pavilion

I am back to the time of my life which I completely and absolutely hate! I am on a diet again!

Once again I will cook tempting food ( it seems even more tempting now) and serve to the family and eat a plate of salad which although is definately tasty but how can it match a piece of fried chicken or even "Aaloo gosht" (meat and potato curry) for that matter!

There are things that I cherish (except food) and these are mostly the memoies I share with my family! Such a recent memory can be the Mother's Day I received from my youngest one!

Thanks darling! I love you!


* said...

UFF TOBA!! Dieting!
Life seems to be one permanent deprival routine.
I now follow one funda.
You only get to live once: ENJOY IT!

ghazal pirzada said...

hain... deiting???
i dont think u need it..

anmd to the card... its gr8!
she should go to an art schoolll i telll u!!!
my mini thesis has started... plz pray that it goes the best!:D inshallah.

Anonymous said...

Cute card :)