Monday, May 28, 2007

My beliefs

Reading Kaya's post today made me remember my much younger days.
My mother had an excellent taste, she liked to buy lovely household stuff, and all used to be kept in a cupboard to be used when some guests would be served. She had lovely sarees, and dresses which were kept neatly hung or folded away, worn for parties or whenever we did go to any ones place formally. Whenever she was told to get rid of some kind of glassware she would not be able to part from it. Over the years these things accumulated to an extremely size able amount and my mother's health deteriorated. I being the only child, when got married, also moved out. Time passed. Then after both of my parents passed away and i had to vacate the house, was sitting amidst a pile of plates and cups and other tremendous amount of glassware and wondering as to all these things which my mother collected, were they worth the effort?
'i was actually giving almost everything away to anyone who wanted something or to some deserving people we knew. Even her clothes many of them not even worn for a solitary time were to be given away, i did keep a few for remembrance sake. I was told that if she had given all these things away in her lifetime she would have earned the blessings but now all the blessings will go to the one who gives for charity.
All this may make someone feel that my mother was a miser who never opted for charity, this was not so. Point being, why do we collect all that we can never use, why not collect friends, blessings, happiness and save a lot of dusting time!
I, on the other hand use as soon as i buy, i do buy lovely dishes and stuff but use it for our daily use, not wait for someone to come, isn't my family special enough! i love good clothes but make as many as required.
Perhaps my mother would not agree but these are my beliefs!


Anonymous said...

agreed to the full...I would rather collect the smiles on other people faces...

Anonymous said...

[url=]down syndrome[/url]